A short introduction from me, my name is Ghefira, i am currently learning about UI/UX and become an enthusiast in it. I was a UX Researcher Internship at Telkom Digital Amoeba for one month. This virtual internship is held by Rakamin Academy. And, the last task in UX Research Internship was Analyzing which the part of research on how User at Ideabox behalf.
Hint: The raw data was given from Ideabox itself. This is the part of my virtual internship tasks.
Total Users every month has increase, it is signed something positive for Ideabox app. As for the increase from January to February is 7.7%. And for the increase from February to March is 8.7%.
Apart from that, if we look depth in details, the biggest User came from New Users with percentage around 74% and Return Users for 26%. From this data, we know that Past Users not really interested to come again to use Ideabox app.
After that, we were define problems which were there in funnel data, because if we look from total User data we haven’t found what is the problem here, that is why we need to do a research from each jouney, we have to got a sample from March 2022 :
From the data funnel, we found that the biggest drop persentation is from part 4 to part 5, drop happened in 56.06%. From here, we need to do a research to find out why this has happened, why there is a big drop persentation from that journey.
Ideabox is a platform for crowdsourcing idea as if gather ideas and matchmaking. From analyze data, we found a problem that happened which a biggest decrease percentage drop between part 4 to part 5, which the part that User has to open email notification for confirmation regist. This causes, a lot of Users not finished their journey till the end as it is made, so that becomes business objective for generate conversion from ideas that has published to the dashboard is not optimal. Because of that, we need to do a research to find out what makes biggest drop happened there.
Business Objective:
- Raises conversion from User so that they can finished the journey till finish.
- Increases revenue, because with a lot of ideas appeared in dashboard will increase netted investor as well.
- Increases User satisfaction with convenience when they want to submit their ideas.
Support Metrics:
- Conversion Rate
- Drop Rate
- Satisfaction Rate
- Revenue
Stakeholder Mapping:
- Decider: Product Owner Ideabox
- Accountable: Buessines Owner Ideabox
- Responsible: Squad Team
- Consulted: Expert Team
- Infomed: Another Team
- Data Analysis
- Survey to do participant screening from UT and Interview
- Moderated Usability Testing
Schedule Research:
- 3 October: Data Analysis
- 5 October: Making Plan
- 6 October: Survey
- 12 October: Recruit Participant for UT
- 17 October: Moderated Usability Testing
- 27 October: Making Report
Research Question:
- What is become a problem with User while doing the jounery submit idea in platform ideabox?.
- How’s the habit of User while using platform ideabox?.
- What is become Users need so they want to continue still using platform ideabox?.
- How to make User who doesn’t know about ideabox platform become User who wants to use platform ideabox?.
Research Goals:
- Find out what becomes a problem from User while they doing the submit idea journey in ideabox platform.
- Find out how’s the habit of User while they’re using ideabox platform.
- Find out what’s become User needs in ideabox platform.
- Find out what’s become User wants so they want to use ideabox platform.
UT Research Participants:
We will do a research which will take 5 total participants from platform ideabox’s User and also 5 from not User with the criteria as follow:
- Ideabox Users
Gender: Male & Female
Age: 18–34
Location: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Makassar
- Interested to make an innovation
- User Ideabox Platform
- Not Ideabox Users
Gender: Male & Female
Age: 18–34
Location: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Makassar
- Interested to make an innovation
- Not Ideabox Platform User
- Write your email? (Short Answer Question)
- Write your name? (Short Answer Question)
- How old are u?
- <18
- 18–24
- 25–34
- 35–44
- 45–54
- >54
4. Where do u live right now?
- Jakarta
- Surabaya
- Bandung
- Semarang
- Makassar
- Pekanbaru
- Medan
- Palembang
- Denpasar
- Lainnya…
- Are u interested to make an innovation?
- Yes
- No
2. If your answer is Yes, write down what innovations you’ve made before? (Long Answer Question)
3. If your answer is No, write down what makes you’re not interested to make an innovation? (Long Answer Question)
4. Have you ever use ideabox platform before?
- Yes
- No
5. If your answer is Yes, for what kind of purpose or needs you’re using ideabox platform? (Long Answer Question)
6. If your answer is No, why you haven’t interested to use ideabox platform? (Long Answer Question)
Availability Interview UT
- Are you available to do an interview?
- Yes
- No
2. If your answer is Yes, write down your phone number? (Short Answer Question)
3. If your answer is No, what makes you are not interested to do an interview? (Long Answer Question)
Recommendation Task:
You have an idea to do an innovation, but you have a problem to find an investor to make it happen. You heard from your friends that there’s a platform named Ideabox which a platform that can unite you with an investor. Then you’re interested to use Ideabox Platform as of you are submitting an idea into that platform. Do your submit idea with Ideabox!
Questions After UT:
- Can you tell us what did you do before?
- What do you like from that task part?
- Is there any problem while doing the task?
- From 1–7, how much score you want to give for the convenience of doing that task?
- Why did you give that score?
- What do we do to make 7 score?
Empathy Map:
- I thought the journey is finished while i’m submitting portofolio and got a notification, whilst there’s more..
- The process took too long, too many requiremets to input.
- Journey is too long and looking not smooth because there’s a long enough pause to wait for the email.
- The notification is boredom to wait for the next email for the next phase.
- Did prototype input but always failed because didn’t get it which type of file to use.
- End the journey in notification because considered was done at that time, whereas there’s more to do.
- Feeling dizzy, why the journey is too long.
- Feeling difficult, because considered the journey is eend, but in fact there’s more to do
- There should be an improvement journey, mainly at pain point while waiting for email, because almost every Users think that when theres a notification the journey is ended.
- There should be a journey’s summary, because few of User considered the journey is too long and inefficient.
Thank you for reading my first UX Research. Suggestion and recommendation are widely open^^